My Invisalign is Cutting My Gums – What Should I Do?

Invisalign treatment is an excellent alternative to metal braces. There are no brackets or wires involved with daily wear and no restrictions like those that come with metal braces. Aligners are meant to fit snug on the teeth and are designed to apply an ample amount of force in order to ensure accurate movement of teeth. Simply, the Invisalign aligners are made of a flexible plastic, a patented material called SmartTrack created solely for Invisalign treatment.

While some doctors may continue take traditional impressions for Invisalign treatment to ensure proper fit, it is very common now for doctors to take digital scans with a scanning machine. It is much simpler and avoids a lot of hassle for the patient. With use of a handheld camera, the camera captures specific pictures of a patient’s teeth that are needed to create a digital 3-Dimensional model of the patient’s mouth. The digital model is virtually sent to a lab to create Invisalign aligners that fit to the teeth.

After the placement of your Invisalign aligners, it is possible that you may feel something sharp . Despite an accurate fit, it is possible that the digital machine that created the aligners missed an area and was not buffed or smoothed along the edges enough. The fix is as simple as taking your aligners back to your doctor to buff out any sharp edges. For more of a temporary fix, if you cannot make it to an appointment, orthodontic wax can be placed on the problem area to avoid any roughness on the gums.

Contact Us!

If you are currently experiencing sharpness or discomfort with you aligners, we recommend that you come see us at Gladwell Orthodontics! Dr. Jason Gladwell, a renowned Raleigh orthodontist, is one of the only Invisalign Diamond Plus providers in the state of North Carolina and is committed to providing the best Invisalign care. Please schedule an appointment with us today so that we may have the pleasure of assisting you right away with your orthodontic needs.