If you are seeking VPRO5 Aligner Acceleration in conjunction with Invisalign, Gladwell Orthodontics can provide this service. VPRO5 is used for only five (5) minutes per day; the VPRO5 vibrates gently to help ensure that aligners are fully engaged with secure and proper seating. The VPRO5 is placed in the mouth and held in place by gently biting into the soft mouthpiece.
There is a gradual increase to full vibration frequency over a five (5) minute time frame. These gentle, precise vibrations allow for fully engaged aligners. This has yielded quicker and more predictable proper tooth alignment. It also delivers a therapeutic effect to the patient creating a more comfortable treatment over all.
If you are in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill or any location in North Carolina, Gladwell Orthodontics will be more than happy to assist you with the VPRO5 Invisalign procedure. Our team can walk you through the process and make 100% certain you understand why this Aligner Acceleration is right for you.