Orthodontics For Teens: What Every Parent Should Know

Navigating the teenage years can be a rollercoaster of growth, change, and new challenges, not least of which involves orthodontic care. As parents, it’s natural to have questions and concerns about starting your teen on their orthodontic journey. From weighing the social impact to understanding the health benefits, there’s a lot to consider. Orthodontic treatment is a pivotal part of ensuring a healthy, confident smile for life, and early intervention can make all the difference. Let’s dive into what every parent should know about orthodontics for teens.

The Importance of Orthodontic Treatment For Teens

Why is orthodontic treatment so beneficial during the teenage years? This period of rapid growth provides an optimal window for correcting bite issues and improving dental aesthetics, which can have lasting benefits into adulthood. Correcting problems like crooked teeth, overcrowding, or bite misalignment not only enhances your teen’s smile but also prevents a myriad of dental issues down the road. Moreover, the impact of orthodontic treatment on a teenager’s self-esteem and confidence can’t be overstated. A straight, healthy smile can significantly boost how teens feel about themselves, positively affecting their social interactions and self-image.

Common Orthodontic Issues In Teens

Orthodontic issues in teenagers are not uncommon, given the significant physical changes that occur during these formative years. As their bodies grow, so do their jaws and teeth, often leading to a range of orthodontic problems that, if left unchecked, can affect not only the aesthetics of their smile but also their oral health and overall well-being. Understanding these issues can help parents recognize the need for early orthodontic intervention, ensuring their teens enjoy not only a beautiful smile but also a functional and healthy one.

  • Crooked Teeth: One of the most visible orthodontic issues, crooked teeth can result from a variety of factors, including genetics, premature loss of baby teeth, or habits like thumb-sucking in early childhood. Beyond the aesthetic concerns, crooked teeth can make cleaning more difficult, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. They can also cause uneven wear on teeth surfaces and contribute to difficulties in chewing and speaking.
  • Overcrowding: As teenagers’ permanent teeth come in, there may not be enough space in their jaws to accommodate them all properly, leading to overcrowding. This issue can cause teeth to become twisted, overlap, or become “stuck” below the gum line (impacted). Overcrowded teeth are challenging to clean effectively, which raises the likelihood of dental decay and gum problems. In some cases, orthodontic treatment for overcrowding may involve the removal of one or more teeth to create space, followed by braces or aligners to align the teeth correctly.
  • Bite Misalignment: Bite issues are common in teens and come in several forms, including overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites. An improper bite can lead to difficulties in chewing and speaking, jaw pain, and uneven wear on the teeth. For instance, an overbite, where the upper teeth extend significantly over the lower teeth, can cause the lower teeth to bite into the roof of the mouth. An underbite, on the other hand, occurs when the lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth, potentially leading to jaw growth problems and challenges in biting and chewing.
  • Jaw Problems: Jaw growth discrepancies can lead to orthodontic issues that affect a teen’s facial aesthetics and dental function. For example, a jaw that is too small can result in overcrowded teeth, while a jaw that is disproportionately large can cause gaps between teeth or bite misalignment. These issues not only impact the look of a teen’s smile but can also influence their oral health, making it difficult to maintain proper hygiene due to hard-to-reach areas created by the misalignment.

The Impact of Leaving Issues Untreated

Ignoring these common orthodontic issues can have long-term consequences for teens, including increased risk for tooth decay, gum disease, and potential tooth loss. Additionally, untreated orthodontic problems can lead to speech impediments, difficulty in chewing, and chronic jaw pain. On a social and emotional level, teens may experience decreased self-esteem and confidence due to dissatisfaction with their appearance, affecting their social interactions and overall quality of life.

Early orthodontic assessment and intervention can address these issues, guiding the teeth and jaws into more favorable positions as they grow. This proactive approach not only enhances the aesthetics of a teen’s smile but also contributes to their overall oral health, paving the way for a lifetime of smiles. As such, recognizing and treating these common orthodontic issues in teens is a critical step in ensuring their healthy development and well-being.

Choosing The Right Orthodontic Treatment

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Traditional braces have been the go-to for years, effectively correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues. However, the advent of clear aligners like Invisalign offers a less visible, more aesthetic option for teens conscious about their appearance. Each treatment option comes with its own set of pros and cons, from the visibility and maintenance of braces to the removability and convenience of clear aligners. Considering factors such as the severity of the orthodontic issues, lifestyle, and your teen’s preferences is crucial in making the right decision.

Supporting Your Teen Through Orthodontic Treatment

Embarking on orthodontic treatment is a significant commitment, and your support as a parent is invaluable. Encouragement and understanding can go a long way in helping your teen navigate this journey. Assisting them in maintaining good oral hygiene, addressing any discomfort, and keeping up with orthodontic appointments are key roles you’ll play. Open communication with your teen and the orthodontic team is essential to ensure any concerns are promptly addressed and that your teen feels supported throughout the process.


Orthodontic treatment for teens is not just about creating a beautiful smile; it’s about laying the foundation for a lifetime of oral health. Early intervention can correct issues that might become problematic in adulthood, improving not just your teen’s dental health but also their self-esteem and confidence. As parents, understanding the importance of orthodontic care, being aware of the common issues, and knowing how to support your teen through treatment are critical steps in ensuring a positive outcome.

If you’re considering orthodontic treatment for your teen, Gladwell Orthodontics offers a range of options tailored to meet the unique needs of teenagers. With a focus on personalized care and state-of-the-art treatment solutions, Gladwell Orthodontics is committed to supporting your teen in achieving a healthy, confident smile. Prioritizing your teen’s oral health by scheduling a consultation with an experienced orthodontist is a step towards ensuring their smile shines bright, now and in the future.